શાળાકીય માહિતી ગ્રુપમાં જોડાવા માટે ~~>અહીં ક્લિક કરો


અમારા વોટ્સઅપ ગ્રુપમાં માટે ~~~>અહીં ક્લિક કરો

all children’s total meals and total amount are automatically shown

all children’s total meals and total amount are automatically shown

Enter the names of the children in the data sheet so that all children’s total meals and total amount are automatically shown. And you will be able to delete all the rounds so far.

Enter the names of the children in the data sheet so that all children’s total meals and total amount are automatically shown. and you will be able to delete all the rounds so far

Friends, we are not just in the role of teacher. Along with the teacher, parents also have a duty.

Similarly, parents have to be prepared for the role of teacher when children are at home for one and a half years in this difficult time of pandemic. It does not require any degree.

Learning may be short but takes account, experience, memories and affection and above all a special child needs their parent’s time and support. Because the child has missed a lot in this pandemic situation. In addition to education, the affection of teachers, games and fun with friends at school and on the road, co-curricular activities at school and much more…
There is a Gujarati proverb, ‘The house fire went into the forest and the fire spread to the forest also’. Tension in the home due to financial reasons, grief when someone in the family or relative gets infected or dies and the pain of not being able to live with someone in this situation, parental strife, TV scenes of cheetahs and corpses, horror Stories responding to allegations in heated debates at home and on TV, some fake news and scary videos on social media, corona rescue and experiments forcing children to drink make children mentally uneasy. His routine has become messy.
There are two classes in the society. It is unsafe to go out but it is more difficult to stay at home without bread so it is compulsion to stay out of the house and after whole day’s labor and wandering, take some or come home empty handed and go to sleep tired. This frustration results in domestic violence.
On the other hand, in the affluent class, it is not a question of what to eat, how to spend time, but which one to choose from among the many options. Order Pizza or Burger online? Make Idli or Puran Poli? Watch webseries or movies? Hours are spent on laptop/computer in the name of chatting or social media or work from home.

In the midst of all this the child is alone. He needs parental support, affection and time during this time. It is very important for the parents to provide what they are missing by playing the role of teacher and not going to school.

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સત્રાંત પરિક્ષા બાબતે લેટેસ્ટ પરિપત્ર

એકમ કસોટી (PAT)*


*તા. 18/02/2022 નાં રોજ* લેવાયેલ એકમ કસોટીના *ગુણની સ્કેનીંગ પ્રક્રિયા SARAL APP માં* આજ રોજ તા. 25-02-2022 થી  શરુ કરવામાં આવી છે. તો શાળા કક્ષાએ જાણ કરી સ્કેનીંગ પ્રક્રિયા ઝડપથી શરુ થાય તે માટે સુચના આપશો.

ડીસેમ્બર અને જાન્યુઆરી માસમાં લેવાયેલ એકમ કસોટીની એન્ટ્રી હાલ શરુ છે  તેમજ *ઓક્ટોબર માસમાં લવાયેલ એકમ કસોટીની એન્ટ્રી પૂર્ણ કરવામાં આવેલ છે.* જે શાળાઓની *ડીસેમ્બર અને જાન્યુઆરી માસની એકમ કસોટીની સ્કેનીંગ પ્રક્રિયાની કામગીરી હજુ સુધીં બાકી છે તેઓને સત્વરે પૂર્ણ કરવા આપની કક્ષાએ સુચના આપી ફોલોઅપ કરશો.*

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